Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another Chance

Allah is giving me another chance. Alhamdulillah.
No one actually knows the reason why i really wanna go to UK.
Yes, I do have a reason why I wanna go.
I need a space for myself. And I need some time.
I need to think of what I did in the past.
I wanna find my old self.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I wanna make a gap between me and everyone.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Alahai..leceh oh leceh. Paling tak suka kenduri di rumah sendiri especially when you are the center of attention. Nak mak buat baca Yaasin and doa selamat simple2 je. Panggil budak2 from sekolah Tahfiz, kenalan rapat and family la. but kawan aku sumpah ramai -___- and family pun tak terkira ramainya.. Mak nak pasang khemah sebab better makan kat luar instead of makan dalam rumah and end up aku jadi tukang cuci sbb ni majlis utk aku kan. alaaaamaakk!

but abah cakap better be modest kan. but but kena panggil lah family aku yang ramai kot. hehee.. actually meriah2 ni best jugak..

Mak cakap tahun ni aku paling sakan raya. raya even masa puasa. sakan pesta kat luar kata mak. LOL! alaaa..jumpa kawan2 kaann.. seronok sembang sampai malam. but mak bising sebelum aku dapat result. sbb kalau result exam kurang memuaskan, mmg aku xkan pergi Bristol

After dpt je result, everytime aku ckp "mak nak kluar. balik lewat kot around 10pm". she will said "OK".

BTW, 10pm paling lambat utk aku ok. TBH, walaupun aku suka keluar dgn kwn2, aku teringat kat mak kat rumah ouh..kesian mak tunggu aku balik. kucing 5ekor kat rumah tu apa tahu :P

btw sebut pasal kucing, si GEBU hilang 10hari. merata jugaklah cari tak jumpa tp dgr si Gebu meaow.  after 10days baru nampak atas bumbung jiran sebelah belakang rumah. ngok punya GEBU. pandai panjat tak reti turun. haihhh...mak punya la risau sampai tak boleh tido.

ok back to pasal topik kenduri. aku mmg x boleh nk excited sgt la pasal kenduri because visa belum siap!!!

Because of durian

This morning I went to UWE Pre-depart briefing. It was okay.. BORiNG!
So came home and I told abah that Im starving and sleepy. LOL
SO abah said "OK pi tidoq dulu"
Around 2pm we went to One Utama coz he wanna get me a new luggage.
But of course we need to eat first. Lunch at Peranakan Place.
The food is nice but the service.. 0 marks out of 10.
Then we went to Universal Traveller's. SO dapat lah sebijik purple luggage yang besar gila.
Last 3 years when I wanna entered Taylors for Foundation In Business, he bought me a luggage as well. Purple jugak. Abah said "purple for purple".. ecehhh..
Then we went to Kedai Runcit at TTDI. Nak beli some groceries
BUT BUT I saw durian!! OMG!!
"abah!! nakk!!! durian!! oMG!!"
he laughed and said "not today". ok give up.
Just now around 8.30pm abah said "abah nk klua with uncle nick".
I saw his fishy smile. Uncle nick is a big fans of durian
So I was like "OOOOOhh!!! no wonder  u dont want durian just nowww! oohh.abaaahh..sampai hatii"
HAHAAHHA..sumpah lawak!!
But abah bawa balik jugak Musang King.
I prefer raja kunyit la. lagi manis.
Yay Uncle Nick belanja durian :D hehehe

Saturday, August 24, 2013


OK. Lama gila tak pergi wedding. 
So ni wedding anak saudara aunty Raihan. 
Wedding at Gombak. Theme: Baju Raya
So memang kitaorang kena bersiap lah sebab aunty raihan is a politician.
So ramai VIP so yeah erghh..
Abah yang excited nak pergi sebab anak2 abah semua ada kat KL. but it would have been better kalau mak pun ada :((

Friday, August 23, 2013

busy days ahead

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone.
Yes I am busy but I will try to update my blog as often as I could.
I was in kulim for raya till last Tuesday. Came to KL for visa thingy.
Gosh that thing is so complicated.
Or maybe im the one who is stupid :(

Things to do
1. TB Test - need to bring passport.
2. Make payment online for CAS
3. Submit documents (results from sem1-sem4, passport details, payment receipt)
4 Request for CAS online
5 Request for visa online and make payment.

Since everything is so last minute, every payment need to be made via credit card and of course I do not own one. So use my dad's card like a boss. HAHA

And we need to use passport. and my passport expired and  i realized it after I went to TB test. so yeah, hello again LifeCare Specialist. Need to wait for a day for them to change the passport number.

Now Im waiting for the CAS. Then, I need to make appointment to go to the UK Embassy. And this august dah fully booked. WTF.

arghhh... im screwed.

Then.. just now me and my dad went to Enrich center. So our plan is to redeem 2tix using my dad's enrich point and we will purchase the other 3tix.

Problem 1: 1tix cost 60k points. But if book via online it will be 51k points -__-

Problem 2: My dad wanna travel with MAS because MAS got direct flight from KL-London. and yay! ticket dah fully booked. only ada 2seats which means maybe I will go alone. YES. ALONE.

Problem 3: Accommodation. OK i dont have anything against loan. MARA ke, PTPTN ke.. ambillah ok. But these two people kan, they wanna wait for the loan then only wanna pay for accommodation. You can use your saving first right?? LIKE KENA JUGAK TUNGGU -.-

Problem 4: Since me and 2 other friends cant wait, we decided to book the place. Got 5 bedrooms but still short 2people and ada 2empty room la now. paiseh

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Silence is the best weapon

That is what Fathin told me. Indeed, its true.
So Im gonna pass this thing down to two of my friends, lets call them Friend 1 and Friend 2

Friend 1's problem is about her relationship. ada 3rd party. my gerdd.. sumpah annoying. to girls out there, kalau ada laki nk try korang and he's in a relationship, you should know that dia nak test power je ok. As in you are his experiment.

But in this case la kan.. my friend punya boyfriend is not flirting. That 3rd party is his friend yang dah lama kenal I told her that she can't win this. That girl depan memang la baik. Cuba try ajak gaduh, CELAKA BABI semua keluar. So better dont. And nanti people will say that my friend yang jahat. oh well, been there, done that. SO i know her feelings. But aku dah kena teruk kan. Sampai kena block on FB padahal memang dah terang tang tang menggatal belakang aku.. Just imagine a girl ckp "i x nk skype sbb skype bg i bad memory. but then kasi jugak id. then approve lagi". errrm.. yes. so suci.


So, I told my Friend 1 la that she cant win this and all. Just dont talk to that idiotic girl. BUt macam aku ni, memang kena talk la kot kan sampai dia nak mempersoalkan pulak why ZOub dgn aku kan. But like i said, wat lek la kawan. biar je dia.

Before I move on to my FRiend 2 punya problem. I wanna ask something. Is this even right? Read the conversation below.

Girl 1: salah ke your bf suka i? you suka your bf kan? so salah ke you suka dia? tak kan. so x salah jugak your bf  suka I kan

YES. I KNOW. WTF. maybe ini antara calon org nk dpt madu kot. hewhewhew

So friend2 punya problem: this guy is messing around with her and another girl and both of them like salam faham with each other. I think things dah settle between them. Just that laki tu ja yg still x tahu both of themm like dah baik with each other. this one is quite complicated.

Best way1: ignore that fuck up guy.
Best way 2: told him off then ignore him.

cause my dad is cool

Abah : laptop ok ke? nak tukar tak?? dah 4tahun guna that HP laptop. 
Me : eh? abah nak beli ka?? HEHEHE.. nahh.. its still good kot (dalam hati nk sgt new laptop)
Abah: ya ka?? bukan ada problem ka? nak laptop macam abang tak?? SAmsung
Me: errkk..that is like 4k abah. mahal sgt. hmm..i want a small laptop. touchscreen. 
Abah : okay pi survey and tell me which one you want. 

Last few days.. TAADAAAAA
Thanks abah  :D So happy..hhee
I will take care of this lappy insyallah.. 
sayang la sebab lawa :D 
fit my requirement. 
Told my friend that abah wanna get me an Ipad and i said no. 
She said im stupid. errghh.. Apple macam dah outdated sikit for me.. hohoho

Suddenly Kulim became so awesome. for few days..

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! 
Zoub came to Kulim. I was shocked. 
He told me few days before he came. But still... I was shocked. 
I've always wanted him to come.. hehe.. so happy gilerssss..
Cecilia was in KL. so both of them planned it all. 
Thanks a lot Cecilia.. mwah mwah :*
She drove ZOub and Altaaf all the way from KL to Kulim. 
Tersentuh hati baq ang.. hahaha
So I told my mom that zoub is coming. She was like "sapaa? i take broom and chase him out".LOL
The she asked "nak masak apa? hmmm..mak tak tahu depa nk makan apa?"
So I told my mom that she dont have to cook anything. He just wanna visit me.
Then my mom dok plan this and that laaa..
On that day.. I woke up a bit late -.- turun bawah jaaa.. TADAAAA
Fuuiiyoohhh.. ZOub memang suka my mom punya sambal. 
So I was so happy and thankful to my mom.
She treated him nicely and talked cheerfully :)
Ya Allah..thank you so much. Alhamdulillah.. that short meeting went well :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Reunion 2013 during Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum and Hello gais and gurls! AAHAHAHA! Im so happy that finally I can update my blog. I had so much fun during the break. 
I've been looking forward to this reunion and my first meeting with my girls after almost a year. Fathin is studying Medic in Ireland and Nita too studying Medic but in Russia. 

Since the reunion was in Ramadhan, so we decided to Iftar together. But of course we wanna chat a lot. So, change of plan. We just had a light iftar, solat and meet up at OldTown Kulim Hi-Tech.

From left: Meera, Masyitah, Me, Fathin and Nita. Iftar at my place. My mom was too excited to meet them. So she cooked Nasi Tomato. Fuhh.. sedap!

At oldtown.
On the left side: Tin, Masyi, Meera, Evaressa. the other 2 guy, i never met them. ahah
On the right side: Nita, Me, Ceci, Izman, Izlan and Raja

Masyi, Meera, Ceci and Izman. 

Disaster Part 1

Disaster Part 2

Disaster Part 3

Disaster Part 4

Camwhoring Part 1

Camwhoring Part 2

With Nita and Fathin <3

Cecilia! <3

With everyone! Errr.. not really. 
From left: Ezany, Me, Ceci, Fathin, Danny, Arif, Izlan. 
Down: Raja and Shah

So, NEXT STOP! McCafe. Only some of us went. Gossip time. Hehe

Everyone with their stories to tell. But Mr. Danny je yang post cute. 

Awwww.. I love this photo of me and Fathin <3

Gossip Part 1. So funny la. I was telling them my problem. But some of them tak faham. So Izman need to tell the whole thing again. But lawak coz dia pun salah. LOL

Concentration level 100%. Gossip uolss! 
In this photo: Me, Fathin, Izman, Raja, Amirul

See Izman's face. Bagi ulasan. LOL

Nampak tak? Nampak tak?? Raja and Fathin tak concentrate! LOL

Concentrate. LOL. Thanks guys sebab dengar my problem :') I knew them since we were form1. But I started to get close with Amirul and Raja when we were in Form4. Since then, they have been my good buddies. Amirul is a good listener and a good advisor. Since high school lah. I told him quite a few secret. LOL. Arif and Raja also listen to me sometimes. THANKS

Monday, August 5, 2013

And.. Im in Kulim

MY baby bambam dah besar dah chubby!!! my gawwwdd!! 
SO damn cute lah! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dedicated to Arliya :)

One of my favourite girl. Kitaorang kenal because Arliya moved into U Residence and stay in front of my room. Forever love this girl! :) First time kenal February 2011 ke? Tak ingatlah.. 

She's very fun. We joined WFD together and went to Halloween Party together. My god! Teringat preparation party tuu.. seronok gila tengok Arliya tiup belon and hang it on her dress! So cute! =D 

I will miss you Arliya. Thanks for everything okay. You're one of my bestfriend. Suka buat lawak dengan you. Thanks bawak I gi makan. HAHA! I paling trust taste you in food :P 

And I miss lepaking in her room kat U Residence. Very clean and bau wangi~ and we went crazy in your room! my gawdd..hope you dah delete video tu -__- 

Basically, my life in U Residence was extremely fun thanks to this girl.

My backbone

Forever, you girls will be in my heart. 
Jumpa gambar ni tadi in my laptop. Rasa macam nak menangis..

I miss Weena so much. This girl memang suka MIA -__-  I really wanna meet her before I go to UK. She's always there for me when I need her. The one who always support me and advise me. Thank you Weena. If you happened to read this, I want you to know how much I care for you and thank you for everything Weena. In the future, I tak nak lost contact with you okay. 

Amalina, my biz partner :) She's a very sweet girl. She's always there for me. Dengar my problem. Sabar je la ada kawan macam I ni kan? Thank Amal for everything. I owe you a lot. I hope you and Adam together forever and evah, Amin! :)